Recently I’ve been working on some automated workflows for Azure Security Center and Azure Sentinel. Following best practice, after initial development, all our Logic Apps and connectors are deployed using infrastructure as code and Azure DevOps. This allows us to deploy multiple instances across customer tenants at scale. Unfortunately, there is a manual step required when deploying some Logic Apps, and you will encounter this on the first run of your workflow.
This issue occurs because connector resources often utilise OAuth flows to allow access to the target services. We’re using Slack as an example, but this includes services such as Office 365, Salesforce and GitHub. Selecting the information prompt under the deployed connector display name will quickly open a login screen, with the process authorising Azure to access your service.
Microsoft provides a few options to solve this problem;
- Manually apply the settings on deployment. Azure will handle token refresh, so this is a one time task. While this would work, it isn’t great. At Arinco, we try to avoid manual tasks wherever possible
- Pre-deploy connectors in advance. As multiple Logic Apps can utilise the same connector, operate them as a shared resource, perhaps owned by a platform engineering group.
- Operate a worker service account, with a browser holding logged-in sessions. Use DevOps tasks to interact and authorise the connection. This is the worst of the three solutions and prone to breakage.
A better way to solve this problem would be to sidestep it entirely. Enter app webhooks for Slack. Webhooks act as a simple method to send data between applications. These can be unauthenticated and are often unique to an application instance.
To get started with this method, navigate to the applications page at, create a basic application, providing an application name and a “development” workspace.
Next, enable incoming webhooks and select your channel.
Just like that, you can send messages to a channel without an OAuth connector. Grab the CURL that is provided by Slack and try it out.
Once you have completed the basic setup in Slack, the hard part is all done! To use this capability in a Logic App, add the HTTP task and fill out the details like so:O
You will notice here that the request body we are using is a JSON formatted object. Follow the Slack block kit and you can develop some really nice looking messages. Slack even provides an excellent builder service.
Completing our integration in this manner has a couple of really nice benefits – Avoiding the manual work almost always pays off.
- No Manual Integration, Hooray!
- Our branding is better. Using the native connector does not allow you to easily change the user interface, with messages showing as sent by “Microsoft Azure Logic Apps”
- Integration to the Slack ecosystem for further workflows. I haven’t touched on this here, but if you wanted to build automatic actions back to Logic Apps, using a Slack App provides a really elegant path to do this.
Until next time, stay cloudy!